Cyberbullies and trolls usually take to social media to hate on celebrities/public figures (and well anyone else they seem to enjoy hating on). When it comes to female celebrities, especially, the cyber-bullying often comes in the shape of making a mockery of their physical appearance.
Because apparently, that is what REALLY matters. Right?
Simply put, crouching behind a keyboard to insult human beings is just flat out dumb and immature. (Unless the human being in question is Donald Trump. Maybe. Possibly. Not sure what’s politically correct in that situation.)
It is rare to find celebrities replying to these trolls, especially in Pakistan. But Momina Mustehsan (YOU GO GURRRL) brilliantly shut down a hater online by using his own weapon against him (*extremely necessary drumroll*): SOCIAL. MEDIA.
We really needed a good verbal showdown to start the weekend and here it is!
It all started when one suburban boy with elitist tendencies decided to tell Momina Mustehsan that she resembles his maid:
Didn't know "maid girls" at a Pakistani's house couldn't be beautiful, and being compared to one could be offensive
— Momina Mustehsan (@MominaMustehsan) September 15, 2016
Thankfully, Momina Mustehsan doesn’t take shit and helped the boy off his high horse with a brilliant dose of anti-superficiality.
Women’s physical appearance is subject to constant commentary. By standing against this, Momina Mustehsan has denied being subjected to the ever-increasing culture of celebrity-shaming on social media. (ref: Qandeel Baloch)