Mawra Hocane has recently been busy shooting for upcoming drama ‘Aangan,’ housing an ensemble cast of Ahad Raza Mir, Sajal Aly and Ahsan Khan among others. The drama is set in partition time and is directed by Mohammed Ehteshamuddin (the man behind ‘Udaari’).


Mawra has been sporting nostalgic looks dating back to partition for her role in the drama and was recently seen wearing a gharara in a BTS shot.

Source: @mawrellous/Instagram


Pakistani magazine ‘Niche Lifestyle’ highlighted how Mawra’s look resembled Fatima Jinnah

While the exact plot of ‘Aangan’ is unknown, the premise of the show lays out a story raveled around events leading to pre-partition and the impending formation of Pakistan. Mawra plays Aaliya, and is allegedly the love interest of Ahad’s on-screen character.

Source: @nichelifestyle/Instagram


This comparison was not well met by many users, who condemned the resemblance

The publication captioned with ‘#MawraHocane’s look in #Aangan is reminding us of Fatima Jinnah.’ Instagram users took to the comments section to denounce such comparison, claiming it was baseless and unnecessary.

Source: @nichelifestyle/Instagram


Source: @nichelifestyle/Instagram


Source: @nichelifestyle/Instagram


Source: @nichelifestyle/Instagram


Source: @nichelifestyle/Instagram


Source: @nichelifestyle/Instagram


Many felt victimized that a ‘national hero’ was compared to Mawra’s look

Source: @nichelifestyle/Instagram


And rebuked such contrast (however we’re not entirely sure Mawra is playing Fatima Jinnah, it’s probable that she’s wearing similar clothes because of the era overlap)

Source: @nichelifestyle/Instagram


Source: @nichelifestyle/Instagram


Source: @nichelifestyle/Instagram


Source: @nichelifestyle/Instagram


Source: @nichelifestyle/Instagram



Source: @nichelifestyle/Instagram


Source: @nichelifestyle/Instagram


Source: @nichelifestyle/Instagram


What are your thoughts on this comparison?


The First Look Of Drama “Aangan” Is Out And Sajal Ali Looks Stunning

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