Another one bites the dust as Talal Chaudhry has been convicted for contempt of court. Talal Chaudhry has been disqualified for the next 5 years and his peers are confused AF. Maryam Aurangzeb, the formers Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting, was just informed about the courts’ ruling, and it did not resonate well with her, to say the least.


Maryam Aurangzeb was a little more than dramatically shocked about Talal Chaudhry’s disqualification

See it for yourself


TBH, those expressions sum up her feelings pretty well

I mean look.

Via: Youtube

Sorry for the poor quality screen grabs.


When your darzi says “Baji, light nahi the. Jora nahi silla”!

Via: Youtube


When your mom suddenly starts talking about a guy to you (Rishta alert)

Via: Youtube


LOL, Gold!

Also, this news channel wins for their edit of the video!

Pure Bollywood level mastery!

Via: Giphy


 But we are not the only ones finding it hilarious! 

See it for yourself.

Some have even labeled it as the best thing on the internet!

And it would be a criminal offense for me to disagree to that.

This caption is GOLD. Like, take my money!

And we totally could not miss out on the great escape in the background 

Via: Giphy


This dude even went all telepathic and guessed what ran through her mind at that particular moment.

Cool ho bhai ap.

While others just called it fake and a case of poor performance 


Poor Maryam, but this is FUNNY, hope you enjoyed a belly laugh as well.



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