We’re all well aware of the fact that Malala often seems to trigger cynical reactions among our fellow Pakistanis with every move she makes. I have a feeling they just loathe her for no good reason. Khair,  anyway Malala recently published her book ‘We Are Displaced’, and apparently she’s making waves all around the world. Even Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif is pretty impressed.


Pertaining to her upcoming book, Malala recently had an awe inspiring interview at ‘The Daily Show’ with host Trevor Noah.

In her interview, our very own Nobel Peace Prize holder talked about how people know about the refugees but haven’t heard their stories from them, which is what her book is about.

She said that the immense load of difficulties thrust upon these refugees, especially girls, is unimaginable and heartbreaking. But is also inspiring at the same time how these girls manage to lift themselves from the ashes and stand tall while they’re still as young as 15 years old.


When asked why she chose to put her own inspiring story aside and focus on the story of these girls in the book, Malala highlighted that being displaced and having to leave your homes behind to save your life is one of he most difficult things these refugees and immigrants have had to endure. At the same time, these girls show ‘resilience, courage and bravery’ which gives us so much to learn from them. The world needs to hear their stories and be inspired by what they’ve had to go through to lose their homes.


She talked about how Muslims are generally perceived while all that’s needed is to interact with them to find out who they really are

Here’s the complete interview:

I don’t know about you guys, but I love this girl!


Her comments garnered mixed reactions from all over the world for starters, many Muslims around the world really felt what she spoke about the world not looking at Muslims without bias



And then, other uplifting comments followed suit.


Even non-Muslims shared their personal experiences knowing Muslims



People also loved that Malala talked about how hard it really is to leave your home and live your life as a refugee


And then this guy jumped in and mentioned how her fellow Pakistanis treat her on social media forums


And this one tried to downplay Malala having to leave her country and the label of refugee to be used for her or not

He did say that her work for education is still commendable.


Of course, the haters wouldn’t let it go still.




So Malala is being ‘used’ to divert the attention of the world towards the refugees… and that’s a bad thing?




But most people made a lot of sense, thankfully



So yeah, this girl right here is all the world needs. I wish her all the very best fro her future. May she fly higher with every step she takes. Shine on, girl.

Have anything to add? let us know in the comments bellow.


Malala Just Revealed Some Very Interesting Secret Facts About Herself And We Love Her Even More Now


MangoBaaz Exclusive: An Interview With Malala Yousafzai


Cover image via: Ark Angel