Mahira Khan, as per tradition, asked her fans to put forth some burning questions for her. This time the questions, and her answers were pretty intense, some even bothered on being too real! It all happens under the hashtag #AskMahira

If you missed out, here’s a quick recap. You will be guaranteed love her more after you’re done with this piece.

Even Mahira couldn’t tell what was about to happen 

She told us her raaz for being so lovely 

Source: @TheMahiraKhan // Twitter

She took a bold stance because girls cannot be pushed around!

Source: @TheMahiraKhan // Twitter

Mahira opened up about her quirks 

Source: @TheMahiraKhan // Twitter

News Flash: she don’t like snakes! 

Sneks are everywhere…..

Source: @TheMahiraKhan // Twitter

Masoomiyat dekhayi apni 

Source: @TheMahiraKhan // Twitter

There were a few light-hearted moments

Source: @TheMahiraKhan // Twitter

‘It’s more than a feeling!’ 

Source: @TheMahiraKhan // Twitter

Mahira also got pretty real about motherhood, but like, in the cutest way possible

Source: @TheMahiraKhan // Twitter

And well, she pronounced her undying love for all of you, her fans! 

Source: @TheMahiraKhan // Twitter


People really didn’t hold back with their questions, but we’re so glad they didn’t. We want more of this, but ugh, it’s going to be a while before she does this again (PS Mahira, if you’re reading this, phir se hojaye #AskMahira?)


What was your favorite response? Let us know in the comments 🙂

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