Mahira Khan has had an incredibly hectic past few weeks, to say the least. The actress’s new film ‘Verna’ was the center of national controversy after the Pakistani Central Board of Film Censors decided to collectively ban it from releasing in Pakistan. After a whirlwind, the film was released on time, much to the relief of the film’s protagonists and director Shoaib Mansoor. To get away from all this unneeded stress, let’s divert our attention to Mahira’s new photo shoot for ‘Women’s Own Magazine,’ where she honestly looked SO BADASS.


Mahira was seen in an array of looks, seen here sporting some retro shades as she paired them with a stunning grey suit

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…Looking incredibly fierce, might we add

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The actress’s make up was kajal galore, providing major inspo

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Her next look gave us serious ‘Grease’ feels, what with her heavy jewelry

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And embellished leather jacket

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Her next look was starkly different, an all-white ensemble with loose hair

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(That waistcoat though)

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Another breathtaking avatar the actress oozed into was this more minimalistic one – a cream office shirt, tucked into a pair of pants and dappled crimson lipstick

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Now, THIS is a look!

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What did you think of Mahira’s photo shoot? Isn’t it badass?