Editor’s Note: The views expressed here are those of the author’s and don’t necessarily represent or reflect the views of MangoBaaz.
By: Alizeh Jung
Losing weight is literally on more than half of the population’s mind. But what you need to know is that it’s really not just about ‘losing weight’ it’s about getting fit. Whenever my clients go like “we want to lose weight”, I’m just like “NO! You want to get fit”.
So here are some of the ways to live healthily if you’re lazy AF:
1. Walk around for at least 15 minutes every other hour
Take a break from whatever you’re doing during the day and walk. If you’re sitting, get up. If you’re standing, start walking. Heck, even if you’re laying down, get up every other hour, just for 15 minutes and walk about to get blood circulating through you and keep your muscles moving.
2. Throw the junk food away
If you’re reaching out for that packet of chips, throw it the eff out. And eat in small portions.
3. It goes without saying but you might want to start counting your calories
1500+ calories daily should be good enough, for an average person but for a specific number of calories that work for you, you need to check with a nutritionist or fitness trainer who can give you a number based on your lifestyle, weight and any other specific conditions.
4. Don’t stay in one position for too long
As I said earlier, you need to keep moving every other hour. Similarly, you need to make sure you aren’t sitting, standing, laying down or putting weight on the same body parts for far too long.
5. Drink
Lots of water. About 3 to 4 liters, based on an average person’s size and requirements. And if you like green tea then that’s the way to go.
6. 8 hours sleep is definitely needed
Moving around and keeping on your toes is one thing but your body needs time to repair and rest. For that you need to sleep for 8 hours.
7. Eat more fruits and vegetables
Preferably ones that haven’t been sprayed with a lot of chemicals.
8. If you can’t have yourself go out to the gym, just run up and down the stairs
9. Try watching some Zumba or exercise videos that you get a certain level of motivation
10. Get rid of any sort of negative thoughts
Your mind needs to be in the right frame in order for you to start losing those unwanted pounds.
11. Go for brown carbs rather than white
Bread, rice, atta – choose the brown versions of each rather than the regular white ones.
12. Have your breakfast like a king
Lunch shouldn’t be too heavy and dinner must be super light. You don’t need to go to sleep on a heavy stomach.
13. Just try and get active in your life even if it means dancing to songs in your bathroom
P.S: I understand, it’s difficult to live a healthy life while you’re lazy but if you make a few changes in your daily life- it could make a huge difference to your lifestyle. As getting fit and living fit is not temporary, it’s a lifestyle change. So make every bite and every sweat worth it! Who knows, you’ll even become less lazy.
About the Author: Alizeh is a fitness trainer based in Karachi who believes you should eat fit, live fit and stay fit. You get only one life so make each day count.