Salman Khan’s Bollywood film ‘Tiger Zinda Hai’ broke box office records on its holiday opening, marking the actor’s unstoppable run in Bollywood cinema. The film, co-starring Katrina Kaif is a sequel to the 2012 film ‘Ek Tha Tiger’ and signifies the return of the much-loved on-screen couple. The film has garnered tremendous traction, so much so that it has reached Hollywood, with this particular mishap with a famous actor that’s honestly SO hilarious.
Pakistani-American actor Kumail Nanjiani took to Twitter with a screengrab of the film, where we see Salman Khan’s character in an intense conversation with an extra
Kumail said how people were ‘congratulating [him] on the success of Bollywood film ‘Tiger Zinda Hai,” in reference to the character opposite Salman Khan.
In case you don’t know what Kumail looks like, here you go
Uncanny resemblance, haina? Kumail grew up in Karachi and moved to Amreeka to pursue acting – his latest film ‘The Big Sick’ is based on his real-life romance with wife Emily V. Gordon, whom he married (much to the dismay of his parents). Before his first feature film, Kumail rose to fame as a regular on the show ‘Silicon Valley.’
Funnily enough, Kumail got a little confused himself the more he saw the picture, and funnily brought down his ‘90%’ certain to an ‘85%’
Here’s another look at the original fella…
We kinda see it
Fans couldn’t stop lolling at how similar both actors looked
When you're 90 % sure…
— Brown mundane (@silentmonger) December 26, 2017
Wow! They say everyone has a twin out there somewhere.
— Thad Pittman (@realthadpittman) December 26, 2017
Woah! Doppelgänger
— Meredith Salenger (@MeredthSalenger) December 27, 2017
With some seeing a potential collaboration
If things keep going well for you, he can be your future body double. If they don’t, you can be his.
— Matt Kaufman (@KaufmanGaming) December 26, 2017
And others praising Kumail’s growing popularity
Damn Kumail, you know you’re having an amazing year when you’re killing it in movies you’re not even in
— Jared Counts the days since Tweetbot died (@jwcounts) December 26, 2017
And some thought Kumail looked far better
You’re better looking. And friends with cooler people.
— Taran Killam (@TaranKillam) December 26, 2017
A few disagreed with this
Nah, doesn’t have your glorious brows
— srz (@aayonce_beliyah) December 26, 2017
However, those that saw the film couldn’t help agree with just how much the two look alike
He was also in #Sultan and that was my first thought too 😂😂 just googled and found it 😂😂 Maybe he’s Your lost brother 😂
— SRat (@srateshtari) December 27, 2017
Stop lying Kumail, just cuz the movie sucks. This is you! XD
— Dhruv Saxena (@GeekTard101) December 27, 2017
Non-Bollywood fans were persuaded to see the film after this catastrophe
I think I will attempt to watch Tiger Zinda Hai only for this.
— Alisha 💜 (@FangirlAl) December 27, 2017
We really want to see ‘Tiger Zinda Hai’ now!