The ISPR song is catchy, you have to agree


Now, we all are pretty familiar with how Indians and Pakistanis are always at war with trying to one up the other at various fronts, one of those is the “culture war” whereby influencing the other with pop culture of ones own country. Historically, this culture war had been dominated by India with Bollywood but of late Pakistani dramas and celebrities have been making inroads into India, as well.  One recent form of “Pakistani cultural invasion” in India has left Pakistanis very confused.


A video started making rounds where Indian school kids are seen performing on a song by Inter Services Public Relations Pakistan (ISPR), the media wing of Pakistan Army

The song was originally produced in remembrance of the Army Public School massacre in 2014 after the massacre was hinted to have Indian involvement. People are noticing the irony of that exact song now being played at the Indian Republic Day celebrations.


Pakistani’s obviously has tonnes of thoughts on the video

Some people think it’s a positive example of humanity.

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They’re saying that the message of love has no boundaries

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People also pointed out that it’s no big deal since Pakistani kids perform to Bollywood songs all the time.

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Someone even pointed out that kids should not be involved into such rivalry

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Someone also said this is not cultural invasion but it was a reversal of ideas

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But most of all people are of the opinion that standing up against the enemy with a united front was the need of the hour

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What do you guys think of the video? Let us know in the comments below.



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