Dear Abba,

I know that living in a big desi family is as adventurous and difficult as it sounds. Especially when you are the designated caretaker; the father. In fact, a father has to display the art of ‘manliness’ and fulfill the role of son, brother, and husband as well. I have seen you playing all these roles like a pro. Grandmother, mom,  phuphos, and us – 5 sisters; apparently, a lot of women to please, and you have done it well. This Father’s Day, this is my expression of gratitude to you and to all the fathers out there who have spent their whole lives taking care of us.

So many women to be pleased by father
Source: Rajshri Productions


You have never asked for credit.

I write to you not only as your daughter but as one of many daughters who know the unique intricacies of the lessons only their fathers could teach them. I write to you because out of every helping hand I have received in this world, you receive the least amount of credit and praise for the things you do.

Father never asks for credit

You have supported me unconditionally.

You’ve always stood back and let me shine, only stepping in when I called for you, knowing you can’t be more than a short distance away. It’s time I use these words to pull you and every other remarkable father into the light you so deserve to be seen in. It’s time that light radiates on the genuine and extraordinary love only you could have shown me.

My father has always supported me unconditionally
Source: HBO

You sacrificed your dreams for me.

Mom told me that you were fond of traveling and it was one of your dreams to travel the world but you gave up on it because you wanted to take care of all of us. I cannot thank you enough for always being available and providing me with the best of everything.

I still remember all the nitty gritty details of my childhood where you proved that you are the most wonderful father. Do you remember how you always tasted everything before me, just to ensure that I will like the taste? I do.

My father sacrificed his dreams fro me
Source: Nadiawala Grandson Entertainment

You taught me not to settle for anything less than I deserve.

One of the most critical understandings you portrayed to me while my young eyes beamed at you, was the notion of how should I be treated. I remember how you showered me with your love and kisses on every minor inconvenience. Thank you for the display of overwhelming patience and grace towards me. It will stay in my heart, forever.

My father made me the woman I am today
Source: Dharma Productions

You made me the woman I am today.

Your patience, quiet notion of complete understanding and unwavering love made me the woman I am today. You believed in me first. You gave me all I could have ever needed because you gave me love. And by giving me love, you taught me what love is and also what it isn’t.

You showed me that love is being strong and humble, while also loving one’s self enough to reach for the stars.

My father is my support system
Source: Yash Raj Films

A part of me will always belong to you

That day is not very far when you will give my hand into another man’s hand, chosen in the image of how you taught me to be loved. When I let go of your hand, I want you to know that my heart is molded in the shape of the love you showed me.

Abba, I want you to know that I am not actually letting go because I know through any stage that I encounter or any dream that I decide to chase, you will always be there watching me and waiting for my call.

My father is my first love

You are my first love and nothing can replace you. That part of me and my heart will always belong to you.

Yours sincerely,

Your little girl.



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Cover image via LewisLuong Relaxation Cafe / YouTube