Eco-friendly for the win.

Shaadi’s have come quite a long way in the past 10 years or so.

via Deenga

Even though many families still love to partake in using weddings as an excuse to display their wealth, couples, and young couples especially, are more focused on being creative and intimate with their special day.

This couple decided to have a wedding under 20K on their own balcony.

Source: Rizwan personal

And these guys headed north to have a soiree amidst the mountains.

Source: MmFix Via Instagram

Of course, a wedding is a very special occasion for a family. Each couple is totally allowed to do whatever they want to make sure the big day remain memorable.

But friends, this couple, in particular, made sure that their wedding was one no one would forget.

This couple from Lahore arranged an ‘eco-friendly’ wedding this past December and it was incredibly creative.

Source: Wasma Imran

Love it.

We reached out to Mahin and Wasma to see how this whole event came into being and how the two of them managed to pull it all off without a hitch.

Wasma said, “Around 2 years ago, Mahin and I started really notice how plastic was engulfing the planet and actively started to look for making switches. In that process, we also co-founded Recircle which made us more conscious than ever to make sustainable choices. Every time we step out of the house were sure to carry a cotton tote bag and our stainless steel bottles. I also make sure I have my stainless steel cutlery bag with me including a straw in it. From bathroom items, like not using bottled shampoos to trying our best that we don’t do takeaways to avoid plastic packaging- we really want to live a life that isn’t a burden for the planet because it’s beautiful and all the efforts are so worth it!…”

“Our wedding is just another example of how we wanted to ‘not’ harm the environment while we were taking this really big step in our lives.”

She went on to say, “We started with the idea of a one-day-wedding to avoid unnecessary costs and waste. We sat down and thought of all the possible ways to cut down on waste. We set a budget for the wedding and gave each other the challenge of managing everything below the budget so that we could save from it too. Mahin’s parents from the very start wanted to share the costs of the wedding equally.”

And oh, by far our favourite detail of this wedding? The RINGS.

Source: Wasma Imran

“Mahin has always been really intrigued by meteorites so when he showed me meteorite rings I was all in for getting them. Especially because the rings were made of recycled silver and the meteorites represent hundreds of years of history…”

“It gives me chills whenever I think of having a part of the outer space on my hand at all times! Haha…”

“We got our rings handcrafted from Europe. And while it sounds really fancy, meteorite rings are really cheap! 1/50th the price of diamonds. Not many people buy them, and meteorites are basically iron rocks- so they’re not valued too much. We have been against diamond mining practices for long, so diamonds were a no-no.

Then I decided to let go of the age-old tradition of wearing gold jewellery and thought of getting my jewellery handcrafted from scrap metal + recycled silver. Esfir Jewels did this for me. I found it so cool that I got this jewellery made at such an affordable price and it’s so beautiful at the same time!”

Oh, and the creativity didn’t stop there, enter the wedding invites ~

“We wanted to go completely paperless with the wedding invites but there are some people who wouldn’t have access our wedding website so, in addition to a wedding website, we got seed paper invites done. These seed paper invites when buried and watered regularly, grow into basil plants. The paper is 100% biodegradable.”

This is probably one of the most unique things ever and also, incredibly smart.

Source: Wasma Imran

Apart from all of these fantastic innovations, the couple distributed the food that was left from the wedding by the people in Rizq.

“Meat bones and other organic waste from the wedding was collected by Waste Busters and converted into compost. This compost (after 6 weeks) will come back to us in jute bags and we will send it to our loved ones to thank them for supporting us at the wedding and for attending it.”

Source: Wasma Imran

The couple also gave away plants to each family who came to the wedding,

Source: Wasma Imran

How SWEET is that? Wasma said,

“It was about staying true to our principles and practice what we believe in. This is who we are and how we live!”

Source: Wasma Imran


Source: Wasma Imran

This wedding absolutely stood out this past wedding season and we have a feeling the trend may grow faster than we think. (See what I did there?) hehe.

What did you think of the wedding? Let us know what you think in the comments below! Love you.

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Cover photo source:Wasma Imran