Since the occurrence of the longest Lunar Eclipse has been the talk of the town for a couple of days, we’d like to let you know that the second Blood Moon for this year was sighted last night.
How does the moon turn red? We’ll tell you how.
When a Lunar Eclipse takes place, the Sun, Earth and the Moon are aligned, so the Moon enters the shadow created by the earth. During a total eclipse, the Moon can turn a bright reddish orange color, which is commonly referred to as the Blood Moon.
This time around, during the longest Lunar Eclipse of the century and the second Blood Moon of the year, it was closest Mars has been to Earth in 15 years.
It is believed that the Blood Moon causes mood swings, changes in sleep pattern and hormonal shifts, eventually causing headaches too. Such events may have a certain effect on each zodiac sign.
Here’s how each sign may be affected:
For you, the blood moon and total lunar eclipse will bring a kind of duality that you’re not used to. You could experience the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, and you’ll struggle to find any middle ground. You’re a natural born leader and after today, you might step into a powerful role.
Taurus folk will experience some downfalls going against their nature. Things could get frustrating if you spent the summer acting on impulse. Be cautious while handling your personal and professional life. Impatience won’t help and try to steer clear of any misunderstandings.
Things are looking up for you! While everyone else is feeling dark and twisty, you’ll be feeling bright and shiny, which means you might be called on to act as a bright light to struggling friends and loved ones.
You will be caught off guard with an unexpected infatuation. This connection will be worth exploring. Besides romance, you will discover new surprises as well.
If you’re a Leo. you might feel a little uneasy at during the blood moon. Leos should also expect to receive some good energy during this time. You can tune into your truest, brightest self.
The Blood Moon will send you a message to be more selfish. If you’ve been overextending yourself and neglecting your own needs, it’s time to right that wrong. You should be guided towards meditating for your own wants and needs.
Libra, if you’ve been feeling overwhelmed this summer, the pressure isn’t going to let up any time soon. The struggles and frustrations will serve to be the greater good even though they might be painful at the moment. Try to find balance, ground yourself, and take extra time for self-care.
Under the influence of the blood moon, you might end up making bad decisions based on your life. If you don’t take a beat between impulse and action, you become your own worst enemy and make a mess that takes you years to clean up.
Turns out all your hard work has been going unnoticed. This might be the time when your accomplishments will be acknowledged. Any stalled projects, relationships, or even creative ideas will suddenly move forward at a furious pace. Get ready for a wild ride.
Capricorns will be among the signs that will feel forces beyond themselves pushing them to make a difference during the Blood Moon. Since they are creatures of habit, this will be quite challenging for them. We’d recommend you to try to be comfortable towards the idea of change and being out of control at times.
If you are an Aquarian, you may find yourself on the edge, feeling dramatic or experiencing stress during this period. Astrologers recommend that you take some time out to meditate and allow yourself to sort through the confused feelings you’re experiencing.
You can expect to experience a heightened sense of intuition. During this time it’s more important than ever to listen to your gut, even if you encounter resistance from others.
The Blood Moon always carries alongside a sense of mystique and wonder. Do you think you’ve found the answer to the questions that have been running through your mind? How does the Blood Moon impact your zodiac sign? Let us know in the comments.
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