Bilal Abbas Khan, the budding actor opened up about his personal life and shared work related details on ‘Speak Your Heart’ with Samina Peerzada. Here are 15 things you would instantly find out about this talented man after watching the interview:
1. Bilal has portrayed some intense characters on screen but he started way earlier.
His first theatre performance was at his all-boys school, where he played a role of a girl because of his innocent looks.
2. His father is a movie buff, who always wanted to make it to the film industry.
“Dad always wanted one of his sons to become an actor because he could not become one. So, I made his dream a reality by joining the industry,” he said on the show.
3. Talking about his dedication and work commitments, Khan also revealed how his directors on set are annoyed by his perfectionist approach.
4. When asked about his first love encounter and what he likes in a girl, Khan, in a shy manner said, “Larki mein dimaagh hona chahiye.”
Work and love cannot go hand in hand, according to this heartthrob. “Things will fall in place when the time is right,” he says.
5. “I am the closest to my youngest brother,” Bilal revealed.
6. Bilal also believes living in the here and now. Thinking about the future makes him anxious.
7. “I am an over thinker and sensitive,” he said, talking about his strengths and weaknesses.
8. According to Bilal, he cannot say sorry and does not know how to make it up to his loved ones.
“But I cannot hold grudges. I let go,” he said.
9. He has no plans on coming on doing movies right now. Bilal wants to take his time with work.
Sorry, guys. You are going to have to wait.
10. Bilal loves to travel.
His first visit abroad was to Turkey. He is not sure where he would go next but wants to travel soon.
11. He recently bought a car with his own money and the feeling is too special for him.
12. “I do not have any regrets in life but I do want to complete my graduation,” he told Peerzada. The actor only needs to complete one semester.
13. He is a clean-freak and likes things in order.
14. Getting a house plot for his father made him the happiest.
15. He is emotional and cries easily, the actor accepted on the show.
Because he was called on the show on popular demand, people were filled to the brim with appreciation and love:
You can watch the whole thing here:
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