“Parwaaz Hai Junoon” has had us all at the edge of our seats. From the very first time that the film was announced, under the powerhouse of production, Momina Duraid, we have been anticipating the film. Whether it has been the constant sneak peaks that we get into the show, from time to time courtesy the cast and crew of the film. Or when we got to go backstage to the shooting, for a while. What gets us more excited is the fact that the film has some of our favorite stars in the cast


So whether it is the increasingly adorable Hania Aamir in one of the lead roles, along with Sabeena Syed

Source: brandsynario.com



Or the ever controversial, Hamza Ali Abbasi (looking quite suave, if we may)

Source: @hamzaabbasisquad / Instagram



The funny man himself, Syed Shafaat Ali along with the absolutely gorgeous Kubra Khan and Shamoon Abbasi

Source: @hipinpk / Instagram



And the heartbreakingly handsome Shaz Khan

Source: @parwaazhaiijunoon_fp / Instagram


While we keep getting to see what it was like while the film was being made

Source: @kubra_khan_ / Instagram



We finally got to see the first look, earlier this week, with Hamza Ali Abbasi in the lead role

Source: MnD Productions

This also gave us the release date for the film, which is this choti Eid and OMG, it’s almost here!



The most recent look that we’ve gotten is Ahad Raza Mir’s (and we’re proper blushing)

Source: @ahadrazamir / Instagram

The man looks amazing with his eyebrows and stubble and that uniform, hello, how do you like your egg- it’s okay we’re getting too carried away, sorry



However, we aren’t the only ones who have had their hearts skip a beat with this poster

Source: @ahadrazamir / Instagram



You guys possibly lost it completely after having seen it

Source: @ahadrazamir / Instagram



People had started anticipating the film even more with this

Source: @ahadrazamir / Instagram



People were giving him dua’as and love for his film

Source: @ahadrazamir / Instagram



And here’s a term we kept seeing around ‘cocky pilot’ but we’re yet to figure out what it means

Source: @ahadrazamir / Instagram



His raised eyebrows were raising his love in people’s hearts quite a bit

Source: @ahadrazamir / Instagram



References were made to his character, Dr Asfandyar, in his drama “Yakeen Ka Safar”

Source: @ahadrazamir / Instagram



It’s true what they say, there’s something about a man in uniform

Source: @ahadrazamir / Instagram



Box Office predictions were made

Source: @ahadrazamir / Instagram



And luck was wished

Source: @ahadrazamir / Instagram



But people couldn’t get over how nice Junior Mir looked

Source: @ahadrazamir / Instagram



Love was pouring in from all over the world

Source: @ahadrazamir / Instagram



Eidi tau mil hi gayi, nahi?

Source: @ahadrazamir / Instagram




Source: @ahadrazamir / Instagram



Ayeinnnn, what’s the wink for?

Source: @ahadrazamir / Instagram



Same, bro, same

Source: @ahadrazamir / Instagram



Again with the cocky pilot reference, please tell us

Source: @ahadrazamir / Instagram



What does this mean?

Source: @ahadrazamir / Instagram



Dil ka ya jahaaz ka?

Source: @ahadrazamir / Instagram



But predominantly, people were pretty much losing it

Source: @ahadrazamir / Instagram



Source: @ahadrazamir / Instagram



What do you think of Ahad Raza Mir’s look for “Parwaaz Hai Junoon”? We can’t say much about the movie because we’ll all find out when it’s up and running in cinemas. Till then, you can look at Ahad again, here

Source: @ahadrazamir / Instagram

Okay byeeee ~


15 Reasons Why Parwaaz Hai Junoon Just Looks Like SUCH A Fun Film


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