LUMS changed its name to LUMSU…

Lahore University of Management Sciences has been a prestigious institution for almost three decades of its existence. It has also been target of a lot of criticism, trolling and conversation by virtue of being one of the most prestigious private higher education institutions in the country. It is also popularly known as ameeron ki university for being training grounds for the corporate elite.

LUMS has found itself in a weird controversy today.


Earlier today, the Vice Chancellor of LUMS announced an email to the whole community that LUMS was changing its name to LUMS University

The reasoning given for this was that while initially the university had indeed focused on Management Sciences, of late it had expanded to many other areas of study and therefore the acronym didn’t make sense anymore. So the university would now be known as LUMS University where the word LUMS was a word itself. Yes, everyone was as confused as you are right now.

In the email, another change that was discussed was the addition of the phrase “Not-For-Profit University” to the logos of the institution. The reasoning for this was that while the university had always been non-profit, that image was probably unclear to the general public.

Via: Anonymous


So naturally, this news about LUMS name change made its way to the internet and the jokes began


People just couldn’t handle the fact that LUMS already had the word ‘University’ in it and the addition of the word ‘University’ at the end just makes it even weirder


Students of the university were particularly shook by the name change


So we scoured the lengths and breadths of social media so we could bring to you hard hitting journalism in the form of all the hilarious jokes people are making about the LUMS name change


Honestly, I don’t even know WTF the LUMSU administration was thinking considering that LUMS could also be changed into ‘Lahore University of Management AND Sciences’ maybe if they really wanted to show it’s expanded scope of subjects. At least this suggestion is better than LUMS University.

Actually, it’s really not. I DON’T EVEN KNOW! What do you think? Comment and let us know.


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