Pakistani Celebrities Are Sharing Their Favorite Birthday Memories And I Can't Handle How Cute This Is

By MangoBaaz Studio | 2 Jan, 2019

What’s not to like about birthdays, right? I mean, there’s cake. You’re usually surrounded by people you love, (unless you’re me and you spend your birthday surrounded by parlor walis who judge you while they give you a mani pedi because none of your friends really made time for you.) There’s confetti, people singing and, of course, GIFTS. Like, the best part.

But you know why else birthdays are great? For me, personally? It’s literally the only thing I have in common with celebrities. Much like me, they, too, were born on their respective dates of birth. I know, uncanny. But, that also means that, much like me, they have their fair share of memories, too. And you, my friend, are in luck because I’m about to walk you through all your favorite celebrities’ best birthday memories. I’d say you’re welcome, but you probably want to thank Peek Freans RIO, for their #RIOBirthday initiative. Rio introduced a birthday variant to their biscuits making it an obvious choice.

I’m going to go ahead and start with my man who’s not my man, Osman Khalid Butt.

Before I dive into talking about the actual message, I’m just going to straight up point out that literally NO ONE should be allowed to look that good in pyjamas, casually munching on the new RIO birthday biscuits.

Okay, but talking about Obi’s favorite memory – basically, he switched his friend’s date of birth on Facebook to a day later and uh…pretty much no one remembered or wished the dude. Kinda evil, but hey, it’s still funny. Thanks for sharing, Obi.

Next up, we have Ayesha Omar, who shared a pretty cute memory too. 

Her friends basically pulled the classic ‘we’re-not-coming-but-then-they-all-show-up-to-surprise-her’ trick. All with the help of her best friend who lives in London. Cute.

Sounds exactly like my birthdays, minus the people showing up bit.

ANYWAY, moving on. Next we’ve got the beautiful Aiman Khan, sharing her favorite birthday memory.

Okay, so homegirl cherishes the moment she basically showed up wearing a pair of earrings her sister really REALLY wanted. I mean, I get it. Is anyone’s childhood complete without torturing their siblings? Aiman caps off the message by saying thank you to RIO for allowing her to share this memory, but I just want to say thank you to Aiman, because sis, we’re pretty much the same person.

Next up, Momal Sheikh weighed in on her favorite memory and honestly, it sounds like something I’d do.

Momal here was onto her brother when he planned a surprise party but forgot that, you know, she can see cars and stuff parked outside her own house. So, she went through the back door and surprised the people waiting to surprise her. Not too shabby.

Btw, Hina Altaf  too weighed in on her fav memory which is pretty cute tbh.

Her friends got together on her birthday and played “Happy Birthday” for her on the school’s sound system. She thought it was super sweet, till one of the teachers got mad and turned it off. But hey, gutsy move by her friends. Overall, super cute memory.

Well, that’s these folks. Do you have your own #RIOBirthday memory that you want to share? Let us know in the comments section below.

This post has been sponsored by Peek Freans RIO.

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